Issue 61
Published March 24, 2021

This week we look once again at the releases, security announcements and tutorials from the BSD world.


FreeBSD 13.0-RC3 Released With The WireGuard Driver Removed: A third and final release candidate of FreeBSD 13.0 was warranted ahead of its formal 13.0-RELEASE later this month. FreeBSD 13.0-RC3 is out this weekend as what was an “as-needed” milestone ahead of the FreeBSD 13.0 release set to take place around 30 March. Notable with this weeks FreeBSD 13.0-RC3 is the removal of the WireGuard kernel driver “if_wg” due to the change in WireGuard implementations amid concerns over code quality for this original WireGuard driver that was set to be introduced in FreeBSD 13.0. Now the existing WireGuard kernel code was removed but this new implementation won’t land until at least FreeBSD 13.1 due to the timing of this significant change. FreeBSD 13.0-RC3 also takes care of a virtual memory list locking issue, a fix for systems running under VirtualBox, a fix in the service utility, and other small fixes.


bnx updates in DragonFly: If you have a Broadcom BCM57785/BCM5718 series network card, supported by the bnx(4) driver, there’s some new models supported. There’s some fixes for other models, too.

Valuable News – 2021/03/22 : The Valuable News weekly series is dedicated to provide summary about news, articles and other interesting stuff mostly but not always related to the UNIX or BSD systems.

FreeBSD: Sway Compositor Can Run While KDE Plasma On Wayland Is Still A Work-In-Progress: It’s been a while since hearing much about Wayland efforts on FreeBSD, but it turns out the Sway i3-inspired Wayland compositor can run on this BSD after a number of setup steps. However, the likes of KDE Plasma on Wayland still aren’t working well outside of Linux.

In Other BSDs for 2021/03/20 : BSD related news from last week.

EuroBSDCon 2021 Call for Papers open : Hoping to be able to make a conference in Vienna in September (and doing it digitally if not), the EuroBSDCon is now accepting submissions for presentations and tutorials. Read more at

BSD Now 394: FreeBSD on Mars : Onboard Scheduler for the Mars 2020 Rover, Practical Guide to Storage of Large Amounts of Microscopy Data, OpenBSD guest with bhyve - OmniOS, NextCloud on OpenBSD, MySQL Transactions - the physical side, TrueNAS 12.0-U2.1 is released, HardenedBSD 2021 State of the Hardened Union, and more.

LibreSSL 3.2.5 Released: It includes the following bug fix: A TLS client using session resumption may cause a use-after-free.

History of ZFS – Part 1: The Birth of ZFS : ZFS (or the Zettabyte File System) is approaching its 15th birthday, and over a decade since integration into FreeBSD. Originally created by Sun Microsystems, ZFS grew in popularity because of its advanced features. Today we will take a look at its history.

In-kernel WireGuard is on its way to FreeBSD and the pfSense router : This morning, WireGuard founding developer Jason Donenfeld announced a working, in-kernel implementation of his WireGuard VPN protocol for the FreeBSD 13 kernel. This is great news for BSD folks—and users of BSD-based routing appliances and distros such as pfSense and opnSense.

runj - experimental runtime for FreeBSD jails: runj is an experimental, proof-of-concept OCI-compatible runtime for FreeBSD jails. Important: runj is a proof-of-concept and the implementation has not been evaluated for its security. Do not use runj on a production system. Do not run workloads inside runj that rely on a secure configuration.

A new way to find compatible parts for a computer based on BSD telemetry: A new method of searching for compatible parts for upgrading a computer has become available based on the data from the portal using the hw-probe telemetry client (available in most BSD variants). No need to learn specifications anymore to perform successful upgrade — just create a probe of the computer and follow new “Find compatible parts for upgrade” link on the probe page to find out what parts are installed by other users of the same computer model or motherboard.


FreeBSD 13.0 – Full Desktop Experience: With the release of FreeBSD 13.0 on the horizon, post’s author wanted to see how it shapes up on their Lenovo T450 laptop. Previous major releases on this laptop, using it as a workstation, felt very rough around the edges but with 13, it feels like the developers got it right. This post is about how they went from a fresh install of FreeBSD 13.0RC1 to a working environment that is based on using the XFCE4 desktop experience.

A working D compiler on OpenBSD: Here’s the story of how we got here and where we need to go next.

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