Issue 186
Published May 22, 2024

AI, wifi, Arm, KDE6 and more.


GhostBSD 24.04.1 Is Now Available: GhostBSD 24.04.1 is the second release under FreeBSD 14 stable. Team has updated the system to 1400510, and the MATE desktop is updated to 1.28.1. This release also contains some bug fixes found in previous releases and with some improvements.

OPNsense 24.1.7 released: Python was updated to version 3.11 along with the usual reliability patches in the core, plugins and third party software.


No security announcements.

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Valuable News – 2024/05/20: The Valuable News weekly series is dedicated to provide summary about news, articles and other interesting stuff mostly but not always related to the UNIX/BSD/Linux systems.

KDE6 on OpenBSD: KDE6 landed in OpenBSD -current. Read the article for more updates on progress towards the integration of KDE Plasma 6 into OpenBSD 7.6.

sshd(8) split into multiple binaries in OpenBSD: OpenBSD has commenced the process of splitting sshd(8) into multiple binaries. This step splits sshd into a listener and a session binary. More splits are planned.

BSD Now 559: Rainy WiFi Days: An RNG that runs in your brain, Going Stateless, SmolBSD, The Wi-Fi only works when it’s raining, Wayland, where are we in 2024?, Omnios pxe booting, OpenBSD scripts to convert wg-quick VPN files, and more.

Arm’s Strategic Embrace of FreeBSD: During his talk at the FreeBSD Vendor Summit in November 2023, Andrew Wafaa senior engineer at Arm Holdings, emphasized the importance of FreeBSD in Arm’s strategic vision. He explained how Arm is leading the way in shaping the future of computing through diverse software support and innovation. As Arm expands its reach into new technology domains, it is important to understand FreeBSD’s role in this journey to gain insights into broader industry trends.

Improving and debugging FreeBSD’s Intel Wi-Fi support: Cheng Cui’s Key Role in the iwlwifi Project : The FreeBSD Foundation is actively investing in enhancing FreeBSD’s driver capabilities in important areas identified by the community. Users have emphasized that top priorities should include better wireless support for increased stability, faster speeds, and support for the latest wireless chipsets. In this post, you’ll learn about some of the recent work towards meeting these objectives. The iwlwifi package is a driver that enables support for Intel Wi-Fi chipsets on FreeBSD, based on the Intel source code of the Linux driver module with the same name. In November 2023, Cheng Cui began a six-month contract to work with long-term Foundation contractor Björn Zeeb to improve the driver.

NetBSD bans AI-generated code: NetBSD Foundation has announced new development policy: code generated by a large language model or similar technology (e.g. ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot) is presumed to be tainted (i.e. of unclear copyright, not fitting NetBSD’s licensing goals) and cannot be committed to NetBSD.

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