Issue 130
Published November 30, 2022

All the latest news and tutorials from the BSD world.


No releases.


OpenBSD Errata: November 26, 2022 (vmm unwind pfsync): Errata patches for vmm(4), unwind(8), and pfsync(4) have been released for OpenBSD 7.2. Errata patch for unwind(8) has been released for OpenBSD 7.1. Binary updates for the amd64, i386 and arm64 platform are available via the syspatch utility.

As always, it’s worth following BSDSec. RSS feed and Twitter account available.


OpenBSD Webzine ISSUE #12: TL;DR OpenBSD 7.2 is out! Webzine is late! 😅 More SMP improvements Lot of new programs packaged!

BSD Now 482: BSD XFCE Desktop: 5 Key Reasons to Consider Open Source Storage, OpenBSD Minimalist Desktop, BSD XFCE, Alpine Linux VM on bhyve - with root on ZFS, FreeBSD Jail Quick Setup with Networking, and more.


PostgreSQL 14.5 On OpenBSD 7.2: Install: This post shows how to install PostgreSQL on the latest OpenBSD.

snmp & snmpd (on OpenBSD): Article explains how to install and configure snmp, snmpd on OpenBSD

Installing OpenBSD on Oracle Cloud: This post shows how to install PostgreSQL on the latest OpenBSD.

Dendrite (on OpenBSD): Article explains how to install Dendrite (Matrix-like) on OpenBSD

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