Issue 51
Published January 06, 2021

This week we take a look at helloSystem, new FreeBSD based desktop OS and the rest of the BSD world.

helloSystem: The “Less is More” FreeBSD Desktop

helloSystem is a FreeBSD desktop OS that focuses on simplicity, elegance, and usability. It boots quickly and provides a responsive desktop experience with a mere 20 running processes. helloSystem draws on the Lumina and FuryBSD desktop projects for its archive and WiFi utilities, plus its LiveCD infrastructure.

A video tour is available of a helloSystem preview build.


None last week.

As always, it’s worth following BSDSec. RSS feed and Twitter account available.


This issue of BSD Weekly was brought to you by BastilleBSD, the system for automating deployment and management of containerized applications on FreeBSD.

2020 in Review: FreeBSD Software Development Projects: Despite the challenges of the global pandemic, the Foundation’s software development efforts proceeded apace, and we’ve made significant contributions across a number of functional areas in FreeBSD.

sysctl parameter added to OpenBSD -current Analog to the the sysctl parameter for audio(4) devices, introduce for video(4) devices. By default will be set to zero, blanking all data delivered by device drivers which attach to video(4).

Running BSDs On The AMD Ryzen 5000 Series - FreeBSD vs. Linux Benchmarks: Trying out a few of the BSDs on a Ryzen 9 5900X desktop as well as running some FreeBSD 12.2 vs. Ubuntu Linux benchmarks, including with Linux on OpenZFS and Clang.

FreeBSD Completes Its Transition From Subversion To Git For Development: The past several days FreeBSD has been working to complete its migration from their development being done with Subversion to instead using the Git distributed revision control system as used by most other open-source projects.


Setup ssh-chat, an interesting SSHd-based chat server on OpenBSD: In this article, Özgür Kazanççı talks about ssh-chat (by Andrey Petrov) and installs it step-by-step on OpenBSD. ssh-chat is a very interesting instant messaging chat daemon/SSH server, written in Go. Connecting to the port it listens, instead of a shell, you get a fancy, retro, IRC-like chat prompt.

BastilleBSD Native Container Management for FreeBSD: BastilleBSD is very promising. Practically negligible performance differences, active development, smart features (templates), and excellent documentation and guides are worth a recommendation.

Run bhyve hypervisor inside a BastilleBSD Jail on FreeBSD: This post outlines installation, setup and configuration of jailed bhyve hypervisor (using VNET!) within Bastille on FreeBSD.


As always, there are more sources of BSD goodness. Latest BSD Now talks about FreeBSD Remote Process Plugin Final Milestone achieved, Tailscale for OpenBSD, macOS to FreeBSD migration, monitoring of our OpenBSD machines, OPNsense 20.7.6 released, and more

The Valuable News weekly series is dedicated to providing summary about news, articles and other interesting stuff mostly but not always related to the UNIX or BSD systems. The latest is from 2021/01/04.

In Other BSDs for 2021/01/02 is out, too.

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